Make The Most of Your Marketing
Photo of me, Kat Hannon
If you want to take your marketing further and hit high-end clients then this is what you need to do!
I now work even closer with The Cheshire Magazine having just been appointed Picture Editor. Woohoo!
Staying in contact – remind them of who you are and what you can do for them.
I started by introducing myself to the prestigious magazine and offering my expertise on any of their future projects.
Show them your creativity – if you have some great ideas, share them.
After much chatting over email, we got together to discuss some exciting ideas I had for articles and editorial photoshoots.
These opportunities helped to promote businesses and individuals in Cheshire in a profile raising exclusivity that only paper marketing can provide.
Compliment paper marketing with digital social media.
I am forever using social media to promote my projects and boasting about any collaborative work I’ve done.
Post and tag projects that you have worked on together and anything that’s gone to publication. Others will see your collaboration and may get in touch next time they have a project in mind.
Be enthusiastic.
Be daring.
You never know where it will take you.
The Cheshire Magazine; Photography by me, Kat Hannon