Call Me!
We all have our gripes about cold callers and answering that dreaded unknown number, but when it comes to branching out to new customers sometimes an email just won’t cut it.
You’ve done the market research Nexium 40 mg Nexium, or esomeprazole, is classified as a proton pump inhibitor potent to decrease the acid production in the stomach. The medication is commonly prescribed to treat the following conditions and you know your audience, so when is the most appropriate time to call potential new customers?
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Approaching potential clients
Well, in my experience a great email showcasing your skills with a ‘hero image’ will be the first step in catching the eye of any prospective client. With this heading a small brief about your services and contact details, ending with the suggestion that you will be in touch should stop any cold calling backlash.
Give it a week.
Now you’ve warmed them up, a follow-up call is essential.
Now you’re creating that professional service, plus calling directly is more likely to start discussions and get the ball rolling for your new venture. As we all do, they get hundreds of emails that simply get overlooked and hearing a friendly voice offering a new business relationship is more likely to catch their interest.
Make yourself available to them and let them know they can call you!
Even if they just want to chat about future plans or problems, you have planted a seed, one that could grow into a beautiful partnership.